
How to Make Good Use of Your Web Conference Session

Preperation is vital when conducting a successful videoconference session. Thus there are a number of steps to remember prior to the videoconference session itself:

Always test the equipment before hand.

The WebVideo4U software is extremely reliable but it always pays to test the software prior to the videoconference itself. There may be problems with the Internet connection, the webcam or the microphone. Better to find out in time to rectify the problem than have embarrassing delays during the videoconference itself.

Double Check Timezones

The beauty of global communication also comes with the pitfall of negotiating the different timezones. Always check the timezones, double check them and confirm with both parties to ensure that there are no embarrassing hickups.

There are also several important steps to take when setting things up at your end to ensure that the videoconference runs smoothly.

Camera Angles

It seems an obvious thing but it doesn't look very professional if your fellow videoconference attendees can only see the top of your head or your neck. Make sure you've got the camera set up so that your head is fully in shot and try and leave about 10% headroom.


Test your microphone prior to the conference. Jimi Hendrix may have been able to use feedback effectively, it's more likely to deafen your colleagues however and won't get the conference off to a good start. If you do get feedback play around with the positioning of your speakers and microphone until you find the optimum position.


Your company may be relaxed regarding clothing but try and remember the camera. Bright colours and patterned clothing don't help the transmission. Instead try and opt for colours such as blue or grey.


Consider the effects of lighting on the camera. Up lighting is generally considered best and should be in front of the participants. Also beware of windows in the camera shot. If windows are in shot try and use curtains or blinds to prevent the glare ruining the shot.

Adi Gaskell is the founder of, a leading developer of Flash based streaming video solutions.



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