
Data Visualization Flash Charts: Information in a Flash

Flash chart, flash map, flash graph may be mistaken for flashy visual aids. It is true that many data visualization tools are flashy and consequently overwhelming and counterproductive, but the market has produced data visualization capable of simplicity and speed-thus "flash" does not stand for flashy; it stands for information in a flash.

Data visualization has been adopted as normal practice by businesses, warehouses, airlines, chambers of commerce, teachers, students, parents, and even children. Each of these groups somehow utilizes the information available in a data visualization flash chart, flash map, or flash graph to create an interactive map of information.

Let me give you some examples of how data visualization flash charts simply information dissemination and consumption. First, let me clearly define data visualization. Data visualization is a visual display of information, usually in a multi-level format. This means that general information is presented first, and that getting to more specific information requires "drilling down" or clicking on the piece of information you want to know more about.

Corporate Data Visualization

Maps, market reports, inventory tracking, 401k reports, payroll, budget reports, etc. The list of reports tracking multiple levels of information is endless. What corporations are finding in data visualization flash charts is that complex informational reports are simply managed and disseminated. Not only that, but they are update in real-time.

Not only does data visualization provide for quick and manageable information, but it also provides for improved communication and cooperation within a complex, multi-level business. Businesses great and small have recognized the need for data visualization, utilizing informational tools such as the flash chart, flash map, and flash graph.

Community Data Visualization

The cereal commercial, "Kid tested, Mother approved," could be rewritten in several different ways to illustrate the utility and usage of data visualization in schools, governments and homes throughout the world. For example, kids continually use computers, even from a very young age, playing games or using educational software. As they get older the internet and data visualization is used on research papers or informational searches. Many young adults already know how to build websites. They too use data visualization, including the flash chart, flash map, and flash graph, to convey information. Information, even complex levels of it, is quickly, easily, and understandably accessed.

Communities communicate with businesses, businesses with individuals, individuals with the communities. Data visualization is simple sharing information between groups. Chambers of commerce generally have informational websites with maps, pictures, statistics, etc. Families and businesses access those websites for information on commerce or travel. Families also access business websites for directions, investments, employment information, etc. Families access each others' websites to keep in contact and receive updates.

Take a look at data visualization options, including flash graphs, and other flash software. Whether you are receiving information or disseminating it from home or from a business, the way information is conveyed is a "make it or break it" point of any communication.

Joe Miller is an author of informational articles and online advertisements on business, technology, and health. Information on Data Visualization is available at



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Data Visualization Flash Charts: Information in a Flash
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