
Be Bold, Branded, and Bespoke - Your Customers Want You to Choose

I had been working on a logo idea for several weeks before I finally realized that it would take from several months to never before I came up with something that would work for me. Scanning the Internet for sites that resembled Logos 'R Us, I found one that had a portfolio that I liked. I contracted for 10 logo ideas figuring that there would be at least one that would suit me.

Presto, just like the site said, I had ten ideas in my e-mail box four days later. Gathering input from others, the field was narrowed to one by me. I needed an expert opinion to reassure me, however. I had veteran advertising executive Bill Wheeler take a look at all ten with no other instructions than which one do you like?

To my relief, he liked the same one I did. Unlike me, as an experienced professional he had no problem rattling off the reasons why it would be a good choice.

Choice is what this article is about. Sometimes our customers and clients are looking for a variety of choices; Baskin Robbins offers 31 flavors for a reason. Other times our customers are looking for an answer, a recommendation, a professional opinion. Bill told me a story about how his former business partner, also very experienced with logos and tag lines, would present his logo ideas to clients. His partner would spend hours on ideas for logos and tag lines and over time, with the aid of years of experience, would come up with the best logo and tag line concept to present to his client.

After presenting the logo and tag line, a client once asked him, " That certainly is a great design, but what other ideas did you come up with?" The partner paused then responded, " I have put a great deal of work into this design. This is the best. Would you like me to get ideas numbered two through five out of the wastebasket to show you?"

The English have specialty tailors they define as bespoke tailors. Bespoke means "made to order". You get a suit cut just for you. Bill's business partner was a bespoke logo and tag line designer. Offering too many choices is like putting your customer in a candy store, Bill said. Everything looks good to me in a candy store, too.

In your business, are you offering 31 flavors for products and services that should be bespoke?

The next time you want to close the sale, try starting your closing statement with: "In my professional opinion . . ."

Customers love conviction and courage.

Doug Emerson trains consults and coaches business owners on how to make more profit in less time using 8 key strategies. He writes a free electronic newsletter about the business of life called Getting to the Point. Free subscription available at the homepage.



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