
Wow! Is That ME? - Creating a Powerful One-Page Bio

First of all, what is a bio sheet and why do you need one? A bio sheet is a one page description of who you are--your background and achievements. Your bio is an important part of how you present yourself to potential clients. You may include it in your media kit, in proposals to clients, and anywhere you want to establish your credibility and expert reputation.

Here's where the ego boost comes in: Start by writing down all of your accomplishments. These may include:

* Education

* Experience

* Credentials

* Professional affiliations and memberships

* Leadership positions

* Relevant volunteer work

* Media appearances

* What/where you've published

* Speeches and presentations to professional groups, etc.

* Important clients

* A (brief) client testimonial

* Awards

* Relevant family or leisure activities (e.g., travel)

Now, weave these elements into a narrative, being certain to focus on the interests of your audience. Remember, the question on their minds is always, "What's in this for ME?" Include information that shows how your clients benefit from what you do.

What if you don't have any awards, or you haven't published anything? Don't worry about it. Focus on the positives you have. Likewise, if you are changing fields and don't have a lot of experience in your new field, look for transferable accomplishments from previous work, or through your life experience.

Once you've got all this written down on a single page, even you will be impressed at how good you are! Use your bio sheet every chance you get. I send it out in media kits, include it in proposals to potential clients and sponsors, give it to program chairs when I book a speaking engagement, send it with article proposals, use it on the back of handouts at seminars and speeches, etc.

Remember to keep your bio current-after all, it is a work in progress, to be continued!

Copyright Cathy Stucker, Learn how to attract customers and make yourself famous. For more help in creating your own powerful one-page bio sheet, see Cathy's special report at



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